外国人労働者のLiberal Arts-国外家族の扶養控除(Tax exemption for Dependants)

公開日時 : 2020年07月27日

更新日時 : 2022年04月14日



他の控除こうじょについても知りたければ、「外国人労働者のLiberal Arts-税金の控除」をご覧ください。





詳しくは「外国人労働者のLiberal Arts-海外に住む家族の扶養控除が一部対象外に」をご覧ください。






親族関係書類しんぞくかんけいしょるいとは、例えば、戸籍謄本こせきとうほん出生証明書しゅっせいしょうめいしょ婚姻証明書こんいんしょうめいしょ・パスポートの写しなどの家族関係を証明する書類です。国税庁(National Tax Agency)によると次のとおりの説明が書かれています。

  1. 戸籍こせき附票ふひょうの写しその他の国または地方公共団体ちほうこうきょうだんたいが発行した書類
  2. 外国政府がいこくせいふまたは外国の地方公共団体ちほうこうきょうだんたいが発行した書類(国外居住親族こくがいきょじゅうしんぞくの氏名・生年月日及び住所または居所きょじゅう記載きさいがあるもの)



送金関係書類そうきんかんけいしょるいは、外国送金依頼書かいがいそうきんいらいしょ送金証明書そうきんしょうめいしょ、クレジットカードの利用明細書りようめいさいしょです。国税庁(National Tax Agency)によると次のとおりの説明が書かれています。

  1. 金融機関きんゆうきかんの書類またはその写しでその金融機関きんゆうきかんが行う為替取引かわせとりひきにより納税者のうぜいしゃ国外居住親族こくがいきょじゅうしんぞくに支払いをしたことを明らかにする書類
  2. クレジットカード会社の書類またはその写しで、クレジットカード発行会社が交付こうふしたカードを提示ていじしてその国外居住親族こくがいきょじゅうしんぞく商品等しょうひんとう購入こうにゅうしたこと等により、その商品等の購入等の代金に相当するがくの金銭をその居住者から受領じゅりょうした、又は受領じゅりょうすることとなることを明らかにする書類
  3. 海外送金かいがいそうきんにおける注意点ちゅういてん








    ↓English ver

    Tax exemption for Dependants

    With respect to withholding tax at source for salary, public pensions, etc., or the year-end tax adjustment of salary, etc., if a resident applies for an exemption for dependents with regard to non-resident relatives (“relatives residing overseas”), such resident is required to submit or present to the person paying the salary “Documents Concerning Relatives” and “Documents Concerning Remittances” (with Japanese translation if these documents are originally prepared in a foreign language) for the concerned relatives residing overseas.

    Documents for relatives residing overseas

    If a person claims an exemption for dependents, etc., relating to his/her relatives residing overseas in the final tax return, such person is required to attach “Documents Concerning Relatives” and “Documents Concerning Remittances” to the final tax return, or present such documents when submitting the final tax return. However, if these documents have already been submitted or presented at the time of withholding tax at source for salary, public pensions, etc., or the year-end tax adjustment of salary, etc., to the person paying the salary, they need not be attached to the final tax return or presented.

    Documents Concerning Relatives

    “Documents Concerning Relatives” refer to documents that fall under either 1 or 2 of the following (Japanese translation is required if these documents are originally prepared in a foreign language), and certify that the relative residing overseas is a relative of the taxpayer.

    1. A copy of the supplementary family register or any other document issued by the Japanese government or a local government and a copy of the passport of the relative residing overseas.
    2. A document issued by a foreign country or government (only valid if it contains the name, date of birth, and address or residence of the relative residing overseas).

    Documents Concerning Remittances

    “Documents Concerning Remittances” refer to documents for the year that fall under either 1 or 2 of the following (Japanese translation is required if these documents are originally prepared in a foreign language), and prove that the taxpayer paid for the living expenses or educational expenses of each of the relatives residing overseas as necessary.

    1. A document issued by a financial institution (*) or a copy thereof, that proves that the taxpayer made payment to the relative residing overseas through an exchange transaction executed by the financial institution.
    2. (*) “Financial institution” includes fund transfer businesses as defined under Article 2, paragraph 3 of the “Payments Services Act.”.

    3. A document issued by a credit card company or a copy thereof, that proves that the relative residing overseas purchased goods by presenting a credit card issued by the credit card company and that the amount equivalent to the price for purchasing the goods has been received or will be received from the taxpayer.

    引用:国税庁「No.12016 Exemption for dependents, etc., for relatives living outside Japan