The Cost of Job Hunting in Japan

公開日時 : 2020年05月26日

更新日時 : 2022年02月07日


In Japan, job hunting takes on a particular format, and going through with it all can result in a lot of expenses. When asked what the most difficult part of the job hunting process actually was, those who have finished their job hunting process will often put it down to having to spend much more money than expected. But what are these expenses and how much does it normally add up to?


1.The Actual Costs

The amount of money spent during one’s job hunting process in Japan depends a lot on the location in which they live and that of the companies they are applying for. The scenario where one is likely to take on the largest expense would be for those living in the countryside, but applying for companies in Tokyo and its surrounding areas. This can add up to ¥180,000 on average. However, even for those living in Tokyo and its periphery who are applying for companies in the same area, it can often cost up to ¥130,000, making the average cost about ¥160,000 countrywide.


2.What is being paid for?

The top 4 expenses during the job hunting process in Japan are:

・Apparel, such as suits, bags, shoes, etc. (¥50,000~¥60,000)

・Transport Costs (¥50,000)

・Food and Drink (¥30,000)

・Passport Photographs and Document Postage Fees (¥10,000)


As said before, transport costs can be particularly expensive for those living in the countryside and travelling to Tokyo (by night-bus, airplane, etc.) and for those planning to stay in Tokyo and do several interviews during their stay, accomodation costs are also a big factor. For those living particularly far away from Tokyo (Kyushu, etc.), this tends to be the main expense, with some people having to pay up to ¥300,000 altogether. In addition, no matter where you live in Japan, the most common form of transport is by train and in the end (considering that Japanese transport costs can be quite expensive), this can also cost quite a lot of money.

As well as this, SPI tests, books about job hunting, clothing such as stockings (etc.) can also add up to a lot of money (although they may not be so expensive per item).


Job hunting in Japan can be an expensive process, but these costs can be made cheaper – buying books about job hunting second-hand, cutting down on food expenses – and for some, making it cheaper is a necessity.